Shiloh’s Playground

Installation April 2022

Project Scope

  • removal of grass, some plants + Italian Cypress hedges

  • yard leveling

  • grass removal

  • sheet mulching

  • new garden boxes

  • added fruit trees

Project Details

🌎 Highland Park

🏡 474 sq ft, front yard + parkway | LADWP Rebate recipient

☀️ Mostly full sun with dappled shade under existing Acacia tree

💧 Everything on drip lines

Front Yard Plants

Blue-eyed Grass - Sisyrinchium bellum

Bush Sunflower - Encelia californica

Coyote Mint - Monardella villosa

Firecracker Penstemon - Penstemon eatonii

Fragrant Pitcher Sage - Lepechinia fragrans

Howard McMinn Manzanita - Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn'

Hummingbird Sage - Salvia spathacea

Indian Mallow- Abutilon palmeri

Kurapia - Lippia nodiflora (non-native)

Lilac Verbena - Verbena lilacina

Mrs. Beard Creeping Sage - Salvia sonomensis 'Mrs. Beard'

Ray Hartman Ceanothus - Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman'

Scarlet Bugler - Penstemon centranthifolius

Woolly Bluecurls - Trichostema lanatum

Fruit Trees

Cara Cara Orange

Mexican Lime

Yellow Nectarine

Parkway Plants

California Goldenrod - Solidago velutina ssp. californica

Moonshine Yarrow - Achillea millefolium 'Moonshine' (non-native)

Redflower Buckwheat - Eriogonum grande

Terracotta Yarrow - Achillea millefolium ‘Terracotta’

Seed packets (roadside mix from Theodore Payne)

Existing Plants

Acacia - Acacia spp. P. Mill

Frangipani - Plumeria

Lemon tree - Citrus limon (L.) Burm. F.

The following images showcase the "before" and "after" shots.

Parkway Installation